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Co-Ed Baseball Divisions
Tee Ball 4 - 5 year olds (9/1/17 to 8/31/19)
Tee Ball for 4 and 5 year olds is your child's introduction to baseball and Peter Stuyvesant Little League. No prior experience is expected or required. The Tee Ball program is focused on teaching basic skills such as fielding and batting in a casual environment. Tee Ball teams will typically NOT practice, but will play 8-10 "games" during the regular season. Games are usually 90 minutes. Outs are not recorded, and every child plays on both offense and defense in every inning. Most of the game time is devoted to skills development.
Trophies at the end of the season for all. There will be professional coaches on game day, but Parent participation is necessary from drills during practice to Managing, Coaching, Field Preparation, etc. Team formation will be determined by the Division Commissioner and PSLL Board.
6 year old Instructional Baseball (born 9/1/16 to 8/31/17)
Players must be at least Little League Age 6 to play at this level. Players will expand on the skills taught at the Tee Ball division. Players will continue to learn the basic mechanics of throwing, hitting and fielding. Players will start off a tee and progress towards coach and/or machine pitch. No standings are kept, and there are no playoffs. Trophies at the end of the season for all. Players will usually have one game on the weekend and a practice during the week. There will be professional coaches at practice and games, but Parent participation is necessary from drills during practice to Managing, Coaching, Field Preparation, Score Keeping, etc. Team formation will be determined by Division Commissioner and PSLL Board. Buddy requests are discouraged and are generally not honored.
7 year old Instructional Baseball (born 9/1/15 to 8/31/16)
Players must be at least Little League Age 7 to play at this level. Players will expand on the skills taught at the Tee Ball and 6-year old division. Players will hit against a pitching machine, with integration of coach-pitch. Players will continue to learn the basic mechanics of throwing, hitting and fielding. Standings are not kept, and there are no playoffs. Trophies at the end of the season for all. Players will usually have one game (1 weekend, typically Sunday) and one division-wide practice per week. There will be professional coaches at games and practices, but Parent participation is necessary from drills during practice to Managing, Coaching, Field Preparation, Score Keeping, etc. Team formation will be determined by Division Commissioner and PSLL Board. Buddy requests will not be granted.
8 year old Instructional Baseball (born 9/1/14 to 8/31/15)
Players must be at least Little League Age 8 to play at this level. This is considered the first year of competitive baseball. Players will expand on the skills taught at the 7-year old division. This is the first year that kids pitch in a game. A pitching machine and child-pitching will be integrated throughout the season. Players should be able to throw from third base to first, and avoid being hit by a pitch. They should be able to properly catch a ball and understand basic fundamentals. Standings are kept and there is a playoff at the end of the year. Players will usually have several practices each week until the season begins, then one game (1 weekend, typically Saturday in the afternoon) and one division-wide practice per week. An All-Star game will be held at the end of the season. Trophies for the first and second place teams. There will be professional coaches but Parent participation is necessary from drills during practice to Managing, Coaching, Field Preparation, Score Keeping, etc. Team formation will be determined by Division Commissioner and PSLL Board. Mutual buddy requests will not be granted.
Co-Ed Minors Baseball (born 9/1/12 to 8/31/14)
Minors Baseball (Ages 9-10) - This is the first year on the larger Con-Ed Field. Players should have past success and be ready to work on hitting and pitching of different speeds. Players must understand the defensive end of the game, and hit successfully at this level. Standings are kept and there is a playoff at the end of the year. Players will usually have 1-2 practices per week until the season begins; then 2-3 games per week (weekday Tues-Friday and 1 weekend game, typically on Sunday) and two (2) practices (one field and one batting). An All-Star game will be held at the end of the season. Trophies for the first and second place teams. There will be professional coaches but Parent participation is necessary from drills during practice to Managing, Coaching, Field Preparation, Score Keeping, etc. Team formation will be determined by a Draft with all the Managers and Division Commissioner in attendance.
Majors Baseball (born 9/1/10 to 8/31/12)
Majors Baseball (Ages 11-12) - Players must be ready to hit a variety of pitching. Defensive awareness includes where to make the play and how to run the bases. Standings are kept and there is a playoff at the end of the year. Players will usually have 1-2 practices per week until the season begins, then 2-3 games per week (weekday Tues-Friday and weekend, typically on Saturday) and 2 practices (one field and one batting). An All-Star game will be held at the end of the season. Trophies for the first and second place teams. There will be professional coaches but Parent participation is necessary from drills during practice to Managing, Coaching, Field Preparation, Score Keeping, etc. Team formation will be determined by a Draft with all the Managers and Division Commissioner in attendance.
Juniors Baseball (born 9/1/08 to 8/31/10)
Junior Baseball (Ages 13-14) - Players move to a larger field: Diamond size is a 90-foot base path with a pitching distance of 60 feet, 6 inches. The Junior League Baseball players must have had success at Majors, and be ready to add more skill and strategy to their game. Defensive awareness along with knowing where to make the play and how to run the bases becomes a more critical part of the game. Base stealing, sliding, and lead offs are allowed starting at this level. Teams will typically have between 12-15 players. Practice start as early as March and games will start in April and end in June. Games are seven (7) innings in length with three outs per inning. Players will usually have several practices before the season begins, then either single or doubleheader games during the weekend on Saturdays or Sundays. Games take place at Murray Bergtram Field (near South St. Seaport), Pier 40 or Clinton Field, Central Park, and Randall’s Island. All equipment and bats must meet Little League rules for Juniors Division and/or comply with in-house or New York State approved rules. For 2019, we anticipate this division using wooden bats only. The Juniors division is expected to be comprised of three participating leagues, PSLL, Greenwich Village LL and Downtown LL.
Seniors Baseball (born 9/1/06 to 8/31/08)
Senior Baseball (Ages 15-16) - The Senior League Baseball Division uses a conventional 90-foot diamond with a pitching distance of 60 feet, 6 inches. Teams will typically have between 12-15 players. Practices start as early as March and games will start in April and end in June. Games are seven (7) innings in length with three outs per inning. Players will usually have several practices before the season begins, then either single or doubleheader games during the weekend on Saturdays or Sundays. Games take place at Murray Bergtram Field (near South St. Seaport), Pier 40 or Clinton Field, Central Park, and Randall’s Island. All equipment and bats must meet Little League rules for Seniors Division and/or comply with in-house or New York State approved rules. Only wooden bats may be used. The Seniors division is expected to be comprised of three participating leagues, PSLL, Greenwich Village LL and Downtown LL.
Girls Softball Divisions
Instructional Softball (born 1/1/16 to 12/31/17)
Instructional Softball (Ages 5-6) – This program not only focuses on good softball fundamentals, but also teaches softball skills such as base running, throwing, and fielding. An adult pitcher will underhand pitch to your child. A hitting tee may be used after several attempts of coach pitch if the child is still developing skills of hitting pitched balls. The ball is expected to be a 10” safety/training ball. Parents are strongly encouraged to participate by helping throw and catch during practice, field prep, umpiring during the regular season.
With smaller size teams each player will get more instruction from coaches. During the regular season teams will typically have two 1-2 softball events during the week, a weekday optional practice and a weekend Saturday or Sunday game. Instructional teams will play 8-10 games during the regular season, depending on scheduling considerations and weather. Outs are not recorded, and every child plays on both offense and defense in every inning. Most of the game time is devoted to skills development. Team formation will be determined by Division Softball Commissioner and Vice President of Softball.
Intermediate Softball (born 1/1/14 to 12/31/15)
Intermediate Softball (Ages 7-8) is designed to help your daughter begin to make the transition from a smaller field to competitive softball. This program not only focuses on good softball fundamentals, but also teaches softball skills such as base running, throwing, and fielding. An adult pitcher will underhand pitch to your child, with the gradual introduction of player pitching. Parents are strongly encouraged to participate by helping throw and catch during practice, field prep, umpiring during the regular season. Teams will be limited to approximately seven players. With smaller size teams each player will get more instruction from coaches. During the regular season teams will typically have two (2) softball events during the week, a weekday practice and a weekend Sunday morning game. Team formation will be determined by Division Softball Commissioner and Vice President of Softball. Mutual buddy requests are discouraged.
Minors Softball (1/1/12 to 12/31/13)
Minors Softball (Ages 9-10) This is considered the first year of competitive softball and will be played on the larger Con Ed Field. Players will expand on the skills taught at both the Instructional and Intermediate levels. Players should be ready to work on their hitting skills and begin to learn pitching. The pitching rubber is at 35 feet and the softball is an 11” ball. At this level there will player pitching, and true strikes, balls, outs, and walks are recorded with discretion. Players begin to understand the defensive end of the game. Base stealing is not allowed at this level. Players should be learning to be able to throw from second base to first, and should be continuing to learn to properly catch a ball or at least understand the technique. Standings are kept and there is a playoff tournament at the end of the year. Players will usually have 2-3 "events" per week; several practices until season begins, then one-two practices and one-two games per week (usually Monday, Friday and Sunday) during the regular season. Parent participation is necessary from drills during practice to Managing, Coaching, Field Preparation, Score Keeping, etc. Teams are formed through a draft process after girls have attended the skill evaluation event in Feb. the evaluations and draft are in place for a best effort for team parity.
Majors Softball (1/1/10 to 12/31/11)
Majors Softball (Ages 11-12) Players must be ready to hit a variety of pitching speeds. Pitching rubber is at 40 feet and the ball is 12”. Defensive awareness includes where to make the play. Players should understand how to run the bases. Base stealing and sliding are allowed at this level. Standings are kept and there is a playoff tournament at the end of the year. Players will usually have three-four "events" per week; several practices before the season begins, then two games (Friday, Sunday) and one-two practices (Monday) during regular season. Parent participation is necessary from drills during practice for Managing, Coaching, Field Preparation, Score Keeping, etc. Teams are formed through a draft process after girls have attended the skill evaluation event in March.
Juniors Softball (born 1/1/08 to 12/31/09)
Seniors Softball (born 1/1/06 to 12/31/07)
Juniors and Seniors Softball (Ages 13-17) Players should be ready to add more skill and strategy to their game. Defensive awareness is key at this level. Strategy and knowing where to make the play and how to run the bases becomes a more critical part of the game. Base stealing, sliding, and lead offs are allowed at this level. Standings are kept and there is a playoff at the end of the year. Players will usually have several practices before the season begins, then one-two games (Friday, Sunday). Parent participation is necessary on many levels from Managing, Coaching, Field Preparation, ScoreKeeping, etc. Teams are formed through a draft process.
*Evaluations and Drafts
For divisions with drafts, evaluations are typically held in Feb. Evaluations are NOT tryouts! A thorough assessment of the player’s skill level ensures a best effort at accomplishing team parity during the draft process. We strive to have balanced teams across the divisions.
PSLL's Challenger Division is for boys and girls between the ages of 4 and 18 (or still in high school).with physical and developmental challenges. Kids in the Challenger Division enjoy the game of baseball in a supportive and non-competitive environment. There is no fee for Challenger players. Uniforms (tee shirts and caps) will be provided. Challenger is not just about the players; the experience is shared by Buddies who make each game memorable. The success of Challenger is equal parts the player and the Buddy. Games are two innings long; each team will hit through the line-up once each inning. There are no balls, strikes or outs. Depending on ability, batters can hit off a tee or a parent will soft toss. Buddies stay with players throughout the game so parents can watch their children. Challenger is about the celebration of another type of extraordinary little leaguers.